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Social Responsibility

Corporate social responsibility

MH recognizes the importance of contributing to society in a meaningful way. Our business practices and policies reflect our commitment to making a positive impact on our society.

Credible enterprise

MH was certified by Oeko-Tex®Standard100 and was honored as “Top 500 China Service Industry” and “AAA Trustworthy Company”.
green footprint
solar energy

Concerned about environmental protection

With the growth of China and the global economy, the natural environment is also deteriorating. Especially air, water, and ocean pollution are also increasingly serious. MH takes its responsibility to protect the natural environment.

As a well-known garment accessories enterprise, MH has been practicing green manufacturing for 16 years, and committed to research how to reduce the production process of pollutant emissions, invested to build sewage treatment laboratory, making sure factory wastewater and soot all meet environmental standards.

In 2015 MH also launched the dope dyeing, recycled polyester, cationic modified polyester, and Better- Cotton-Initiative four green ecological embroidery series, starting from raw materials to practice green production. In 2015, MH initiated a "green footprint" environmental protection activity, calling on Mh staff to protect the natural ecology and practice the concept of “green footprint” at outdoor activities.

Culture Construction

MH vision: The Kingdom of Tailor's Material 

MH Core Values: Customer Focus, Teamwork, Innovation, Passion , Integrity

Internal enterprise founded a "Mh Weekly" electronic newspaper, MH WeChat and other communication platforms to disseminate Mh culture.

MH has special funds to support cultural activities, such as the annual party, team building activity, staff tourism, etc. Mh also has basketball club, football club, outdoor hiking club, photography club, and others, total eight club, free for Mh staff to have healthy lifestyle.

Charity and public service

MH has set up the "Xiao dou ya" Scholarship Fund to help children in poor village to complete their study for ten years.

Every summer, Mh volunteers will send cooling gift for sanitation workers and traffic polices.

MH supports "clothing cycle" activity and donated over 10,000pcs clothing to poor village in Guizhou, Yunnan and other impoverished areas.

Every year, Mh volunteers will visit the children in Ningbo Enmeier children welfare institute, playing with children, and giving them gifts.

international childrens day

International childrens day

comfort children with autism

Comfort children with autism


Caring student


International childrens day

Caring for employees' health

MH has special funds for staff health. Mh has annual physical examination to all Mh staff, arranging health talks, pioneering healthy lifestyle and health preservation knowledge. Besides, Mh set up "Firefly” employee mutual fund, to help mh staff who has major disease or suffered disaster. The “Firefly” mutual fund has helped more than ten employees in the past 2 years.

Physical examination consultation

health consultation

Health consultation